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JCC Strategic Focus Areas 


1. Worship & Prayer



Establish a fresh focused prayer revival that makes a lasting impact on the life of our city and the spiritual awakening and maturity of our church and the establishment of new diverse congregation members of all nations. To magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit by skilfully combining God’s Word with music and dance, thereby motivating the gathered church to proclaim the gospel, to cherish God’s presence, and to live for God’s glory.













2. Evangelism the Harvest & Mission

Develop a new and innovative church harvest programme that incorporates and establishes a powerful and robust evangelism team that will embrace and reach out to all non-churched age groups and diverse communities that will maximise seasonal events.


3. Discipleship, Leadership & Christian Education

To enhance our internal leadership and discipleship training programme to incorporate individual personal development growth plans together with establishing a strong support network that will develop and create ‘healthy effective leaders’ and ‘versatile specialist teams.

Develop, encourage and equip our children and young adults in understanding, living and articulating their Christian faith within the wider world whilst providing them with genuine opportunity in the life and mission of the church. Enabling them to cultivate the strongest possible foundation to continue in faith regardless of the challenges they may face.


 4. Social Action and Outreach

To increase the community support centre’s funding resources and establish superior service driven initiatives that will foster, support and address challenges and issues that affect our community that will promote greater impact.


5. Stewardship

To heighten our congregation’s awareness of biblical principles concerning their money, material possessions and giving by teaching biblical principles to understand through God’s word that good stewardship is a natural part of godly living and through bible-based instructions we will establish, promote and support effective stewardship programme.


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